1. Simplify Your To-Do List
Give yourself permission to RELAX this summer and completely forget about your mile long to-do list. Set aside time to figure out what projects and tasks you have to complete that can be put on the back-burner until September. If you really want a slow-paced summer, you need to downsize errands, chores, and to-do's so you can simply enjoy time with friends and family.
2. Be Selective
The amount of activities you can enjoy during the summer are endless. To truly slow down and enjoy the view of the fun, pair down the amount of events and activities you do. This requires you to set healthy boundaries and say, "No" to friends or family. Whatever you choose to participate in, just make sure it aligns with your wants and the priorities you've established.
An added benefit to doing fewer activities is saving more money. Summertime fun comes with an expensive price tag, so if saving money is a 2022 resolution for you, consider minimal summertime costs so your savings doesn't take a hit.
3. Connect with Nature
Numerous studies have shown that spending time in nature is good for our bodies and minds. Your stress hormone, cortisol, is lower when you're in the woods, near water, or in green spaces. Seek out opportunities where you can enjoy Mother Nature in your community. Outdoor activities to consider:
Go camping {even if it's in your backyard}Go hiking
Spend a day at a local lake or river
Take a scenic drive and stop for a picnic
Enjoy an afternoon at a park
4. Create Simple Family Traditions
Do you have traditions you like to enjoy during the summer with your family? Consider these activities that are sure to create lasting memories, but also don't require a ton of planning and/or money:
Roast smores in the backyard
Set up an outdoor movie
Have a water balloon fight
Set up a lemonade stand with your kids
Enjoy dinner outside
Set up an ice cream bar to celebrate the first official day of Summer
Make tie-dye shirts
Plant a garden
Camp out in the backyard
Set up a backyard obstacle course
Have a watermelon eating contest
Enjoy a late night swim
Invite the grandparents over for dinner
Schedule a weekly game night
Don't forget to schedule in spontaneous fun into your summer! You plan ALL year long. You spend so much time scheduling appointments, kid's events and activities, work commitments, etc. Some of the best memories made are those that are made from moments of spontaneity that didn't require upfront planning.
5. Enjoy Your Summer Free of Guilt
Don't fixate on the things you're NOT doing this summer by choosing to slow down. An unrushed, no-pressure summer won't feel like a waste of time, its a way to reconnect, recharge, and reinforce what you want and need most. This approach is designed to remind you that our days are meant to be lived, not just counted.
Simply shift your mindset and actions to change how you want to engage with your family and friends with more intention.
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