Uplift your energy by tackling simple decluttering projects!
There is an accumulations of clutter RIGHT NOW in your home. If you need a quick win that can carry you through more decluttering tasks, start with the simple spaces/items first. Let the snowball gather as you start conquering one space at a time.
Not only will you get your home looking good, you'll ultimately feel better too. If you're struggling to feel balance in your life, consider what may be taking up room in your home, car, office, etc. that needs tending to.
While you're at it, take inventory of the non-physical things in your life. Decluttering work isn't just for your home, it's for many aspects of our lives; your schedule, your job, your relationships, etc.
How does your schedule currently look? Are you burning the candle at both ends? Identify what is working well in your schedule, prioritize what you enjoy, delegate what you can, schedule out things for a later date, and delete what you don't want or need to do.
Is your career, side-hustle, or volunteer position taking up more of your time and resources than you hoped? If you don't have healthy boundaries around client, partner, team needs, and your work schedule, you may feel weighed down and start resenting the work you love.
Are you surrounded by people who drain you of your energy, fill your head with gossip, take advantage of you, and make you feel resentful of your relationship? Do you need to prioritize your family and build deeper connections? What are your non-negotiables when it comes to the people you care for? Prioritize saying no to things that may make you put those you love on the backburner.
What is something you're going to work on decluttering today/this week?
Simple Decluttering Wins to Focus Your Attention on:
Mail/paper files
Junk drawer
Email & phone
Kitchen counters
Car glove box
Bathroom counter
Night stand
1-2 pantry shelves
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